Kranjskogorska desetka

On THURSDAY, 15.8.2024, the Tourist Association of Kranjska Gora will organise the traditional 10 km run for the “KRANJSKOGORSKA DESETKA” with a group start at 18:00 on the square in front of the old Hotel Razor in the centre of Kranjska Gora.

This year we will also organise a CHILDREN’S RUN, in which children will compete in a run from the start of the Kranjska Gora 10 to the Vopa Bar and back. The Children’s Run is fun, without starting categories and free of charge, the distance the children will run is just under 400m long. Participants will be rewarded.

Date: 15.8.2024
Start time: 18:00
Start of the children’s run: 17:30
Registrations: from 15:00
Entry fee: pre-registration 15,00 EUR / on the day of the event 20,00 EUR
Prize giving ceremony: between 19:30 and 20:00

Registration is possible on the day of the event at the registration point on the square in front of Hotel RAZOR, where you can also collect your starting numbers.


The start and finish of the Kranjska Gora 10K will be held again this year in the same place and along the same route as in previous years, with a group start (and finish) on the square in front of Hotel RAZOR.

The competitors will first set off along the Borovška Road towards the Kranj Mountain ski resorts and along the cycle track to Rateč and back, a distance of exactly 10 kilometres.

Refreshments will be available along the route with water and sports drinks at 3km, 5km, 7km and 8.5km.

A complete road closure will be organised on the part of the route between the start/finish and the start of the cycle path. The cycle track is used by regular traffic, so for safety reasons we ask all competitors to be aware of walkers, cyclists and other users of the cycle track who are not taking part in the race.

Competitors are also asked to run on the right side of the cycle path for oncoming cyclists returning to the finish line.


The announcement of the winners and the awarding of prizes is scheduled between 19:30 and 20:00 at the finish line or the square in front of the Razor Hotel in the centre of Kranjska Gora.

Maja Ramus

Maja Ramus